Multnomah County Records Management Program maintains the county's historic archival collections, which include records from the Board of County Commissioners, Sheriff's Office and other county departments.
Direct public access to most of the archival collections are provided by appointment; please contact us to schedule. Search our database to see records available and related copying and research fees.
For more recent, non-archival records, public access is provided through contacting the depositing county agency, regardless of whether or not those records are stored in our Records Center. If you have questions about which agency to contact for access, or just need help in locating a public record, answers to where to find many commonly sought public records can be found on our Locating Records page.
The program also provides records management services to over 200 agencies across the county, including:
records management consulting
retention scheduling
records center storage
image conversion
and confidential document recycling
The program also provides storage for approximately 35,000 cubic feet of records in a secure, controlled, and low-cost environment..
Further assistance is available by calling us at 503-988-3741, or via email at (link sends e-mail).